Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP)



South Kerry Development Partnership CLG  implements the Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2024 – 2028 in the South Kerry Area.

he Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2024 – 2028 provides funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion at a local level through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies. SICAP 2024 – 2028 is the successor programme to SICAP 2015 – 2017 & SICAP 2018 – 2023 Programmes.

SICAP is a targeted, holistic programme for those who are most disadvantaged and less likely to use mainstream services, which provides supports directly to beneficiaries and links them into existing services. It is a multi-faceted programme that provides supports to respond to individual and community needs, aiming to ensure that beneficiaries receive quality, tailored supports, while also allowing flexibility to adapt actions to local need. SICAP also prioritises local engagement and partnerships, between SICAP Programme Implementers, disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies.
South Kerry Development Partnership CLG reflects the broad scope of the programme in their actions and uses programme funding to strengthen communities and improve people’s lives. SICAP aims to address high and persistent levels of deprivation through targeted and innovative, locally-led approaches.
South Kerry Development Partnership CLG engages with marginalised communities and service providers using a community development approach to address issues relating to social exclusion and inequality. It enables bottom-up approaches within the framework of a national programme which provides targets, performance indicators and requirements.

Aim of SICAP

The aim of SICAP is to reduce poverty and promote social inclusion and equality in Ireland through supporting communities and individuals using community development approaches, engagement and collaboration.

South Kerry Development Partnership CLG, with the support of the Kerry Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), will target those who are the most disadvantaged and excluded in our society. The Kerry LCDC in conjunction with the South Kerry Development Partnership CLG will work to empower communities to work collaboratively with relevant stakeholders, using a broad range of supports and interventions, facilitated via the SICAP 2024-2028 programme funds.

Objectives of SICAP

Objectives of SICAP

The SICAP Programme has the following two goals

1. Goal 1: Contribute to Building more Sustainable, Inclusive and Empowered Communities

Empower individuals, groups of individuals, Local Community Groups and Social Enterprises to address collective community needs.

2. Goal 2: Empower Disadvantaged People to Improve the Quality of Their Lives
Support disadvantaged individuals, children and families to progress their formal education and participate in lifelong learning, to progress into employment/ self-employment, and to improve their soft skills and wellbeing.

South Kerry Development Partnership CLG will reflect the broad scope of the two SICAP goals in their approach and actions.

Horizontal themes are the core principles that cut across all areas of SKDP’s SICAP work. SICAP is underpinned by three horizontal themes:

  • Promoting an equality framework with a particular focus on gender equality and anti-discrimination practices;
  • Applying community development approaches to achieve the participation of disadvantaged and marginalised communities in the wider local development context;
  • Developing collaborative approaches with stakeholders to improve how mainstream policies and programmes are delivered so that they impact more positively on the socially excluded.

South Kerry Development Partnership CLG has incorporated the horizontal principles into their SICAP strategic and annual planning processes and in how they engage with individuals and LCGs and other stakeholders.

SICAP Funding

The SICAP programme is funded and designed by the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD), with co-funding from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) under the
Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021-2027. Pobal has been nominated by DRCD to act as its agent with respect to the national management and oversight of the programme and co-funding under ESF+.
Funding levels for South Kerry Development Partnership CLG’s SICAP work are set annually.

European Social Fund
SICAP 2024-2028 will be co-funded under the European Social Fund Plus Programme for Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training 2021-2027 (EIST), which is the successor to the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2014-2020.

SICAP Target Groups

SICAP 2024-2028 has 12 named target groups, based on their increased risk of poverty and social exclusion (see list below). The Kerry LCDC have selected the following 3 Local Priority Target Groups, from this list of 12 (see list below) , based on local level needs and gaps in services.

Priority SICAP Target Groups for South Kerry

• People living in Disadvantaged Communities
• Heads of One Parent Families

SICAP Programme 2024 – 2028 Target Groups

1. People living in Disadvantaged
Communities                                                       7. International Protection Applicants
2. People impacted by educational
disadvantage                                                        8. People with disabilities
3. People living in jobless households
where the primary income source is
low paid and/or precarious                             9. Heads of One-parent Families
4. People who are long-term
unemployed                                                         10. Travellers
5. People with a criminal history                   11. Roma
6. Refugees                                                            12. Island Residents

SICAP is aimed at those who need more help in society and who are on the margins of daily life. To ensure that SICAP is an effective social inclusion and community development programme, South Kerry Development Partnership CLG targets resources, supports and provides interventions to those who need them most.

Thematic Focus Areas
Local Community Groups, Social Enterprises and Networks that are supported under Goal 1 can be focused on supporting SICAP target groups but can also be issue-based (rather than target-group based). Therefore, as well as the 12 named target groups, SICAP 2024-2028 has 8 Thematic Focus Areas, which provide additional scope for work with groups of individuals, Local Community Groups, Social Enterprises and Networks supported under Goal 1.

List of 8 Thematic Focus Areas

1. Older people in isolation
2. Refugee and migrant rights and integration
3. Climate action and the just transition
4. Youth
5. Addiction
6. Gender
7. Homelessness

Strategic Priorities 2024 – 2028

South Kerry Development Partnership have set the following 8 strategic objectives for the SICAP programme in South Kerry for the period 2024 to 2028

  1. Support Disadvantaged Communities & target groups to come together to identify and address their collective community needs
  2. Support the integration of Refugees and International Protection Applicants in South Kerry through the provision of community, employment, educational and social supports
  3. Support older people in rural isolation to come together and reduce the social isolation faced by older people living in South Kerry
  4. To provide opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in community projects and engage in Social Farming opportunities across South Kerry
  5. Empower the existing Social Enterprise sector in South Kerry to address local community needs, especially those serving disadvantaged communities and encourage the development of new social enterprises to provide employment opportunities in the region.
  6. To increase the education attainment level of the population of South Kerry and decrease the level of early school leaving
  7. To support positive wellbeing and development of key soft skills to improve social inclusion and ability to perform day to day functions.
  8. Support long term unemployed individuals to develop strategies to become job ready, progress into employment or self-employment
SICAP Programme Timeframe

The duration of the current SICAP programme is for a maximum of 60 months, from 1st January 2024 to 31st December 2028. Continued funding is subject to a satisfactory annual performance review.
The Kerry LCDC reserves the right to extend SICAP, the number and duration of any such extension or extensions will be subject to a maximum cumulative duration of 15 months on the same terms and conditions, subject to their obligations at law.

South Kerry Development Partnership Ltd – SICAP Coverage in South Kerry
County Kerry is divided into three lots for the purposes of SICAP programme delivery in County Kerry. South Kerry Development Partnership delivers the SICAP programme in Lot 19-3 South Kerry & Killarney as set out in the map below.

Further Information on SICAP in South Kerry
For further information on the SICAP Programme in South Kerry, please contact Noel Spillane, Chief Executive Officer, South Kerry Development Partnership CLG, West Main Street, Cahersiveen, Co Kerry.
Tel: 066 9472724
Email: [email protected]

The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021-2027.

SICAP Officers
Carol Naughton, SICAP Education & Training Officer
Library Place, Killorglin
0879631935/ (066) 9761615

[email protected]

Joanne Griffin, SICAP Enterprise & Employer Engagement Officer
Library Place, Killorglin
0876152660 / (066) 9761615

[email protected]

Julie Thorne, SICAP Community Development Officer
2nd Floor, 37 High Street, Killarney
0871906450/ (064) 6636572

[email protected]

Joseph McCrohan, Rural Development, TÚS, Rural Social Scheme Manager
West Main Street, Cahersiveen
0872849165 / (066) 9472724

[email protected]

DJ Moran, SICAP Community Development Officer, Rural Men’s Outreach Officer
087 7473404 / (066) 9472724

[email protected]

Iryna Puzdria, SICAP Ukrainian Intercultural Support Worker
Library Place, Killorglin
0879949291 /(066) 9761615

[email protected]

Tetyana Olkhovska, SICAP Ukranian Intercultural Support Worker
West Main Street Caherciveen
0873418606/(066) 9472724

[email protected]

Clare O Shea, SICAP Enterprise & Social
Enterprise Officer
Library Place, Killorglin
087 3567874/(066) 9472724
Jurga Butkute, SICAP Ukrainian Supports Coordinator
Library Place, Killorglin
087 7816244/(066) 9761615

[email protected]

Raisa Diakova, SICAP Ukrainian English Language Support Officer
Library Place, Killorglin
087 6701590/(066) 9761615

[email protected]

Iuliia Kholodko, SICAP Ukrainian English Language Support Officer
2nd Floor, 37 High Street Killarney
087 2440993/(064) 6636572

[email protected]

If you are unsure who you want to speak to, contact your nearest office


Data Privacy Notices SICAP

Personal client privacy is of the utmost importance to SKDP in the successful delivery of SICAP. Information that may be made available to SKDP as part of SICAP will include Personal Data and Special Categories of Personal Data, as defined in the Data Protection Acts 1988 – 2018 and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). SKDP SICAP staff are bound by confidentiality and are aware of their responsibilities set out under data protection and other relevant legislation. Appropriate technical and organisation means are in place to ensure any personal data processed by SKDP is kept confidential.

Under the SICAP programme SKDP is deemed a Data Processor in respect of the Personal Data and Special Categories of Personal Data held or processed by them under SICAP. The personal data can be used by SKDP solely for the purposes of providing the SICAP services on behalf of the Data Controller and in accordance with the terms of the Data Privacy notice.

Please click on the links below for the SICAP Data Privacy Notices for Individuals and Community Organisations

Individual data privacy Notice SICAP 

Community Organisations data privacy notice SICAP

English Language Supports

SKDP offers 2 types of English Language Supports, Structured English classes provided by 2 SKDP English language tutors and Conversational English Failte Isteach Classes which are offered in conjunction with Third Age.

  • Structured English Classes – suitable for people with little to no English. The classes take place in blocks of 4-6 weeks, 5 days per week, 2 hours per day. They are available in Killarney and at various locations throughout South Kerry.
  • Conversational English Classes – suitable for people with English of all levels. These volunteer led classes take place in blocks of 6-8 weeks, 2 hours per week. They are available in Killarney and at various locations throughout South Kerry.


If you are interested in participating in either of these classes please contact Jurga Butkute [email protected]


SICAP Case Studies


Here are some detailed accounts of work SKDP has been involved in through the SICAP programme.

South Kerry Rural Men’s Group  – Tackling Rural/Social Isolation in South Kerry

The South Kerry Rural Men’s group was formed in 2009 when officers from SKDP came together to plan on how to help men, who were living alone in rural isolated areas.  The South Kerry Rural Men’s Group is made up of men from many different back grounds including, men living alone in rural isolated areas, unemployed men, men with mental health issues, older men and farmers from right across South Kerry & Killarney. The SICAP Officer assists the Men’s group during the year in organising events including day trips, overnight trips and facilitating meetings with the men’s group and local sub groups in Kenmare, Mid Kerry and Caherciveen.

The South Kerry Rural Men’s group is growing in numbers every year, it has a very strong hard-working committee who want to see the growth of it continue for the years ahead. The group have faced lots of challenges down through the years including Covid-19, but have come through these and are determined to keep growing.

To view more please click You Tube Video


Lauragh Community Centre – Heartbeat of the Community

Lauragh Community Centre have been working with the SICAP Community Development Worker in SKDP since 2019 to assist them to enhance, strengthen and develop their community services. In 2020 they successfully opened a meals on wheels service and have kept the service open during a very difficult time and have accessed supports to ensure the service stayed open through the provision of SICAP grant aid.

Lauragh Community Centre is based in an isolated rural area – it is through the imagination, dedication and energy of the strong committee and the volunteers that the Community Centre has become the heart of the community again. Lauragh is on the periphery of the SKDP geographical remit which reaches out to three separate peninsulas.

To view more please click YouTube Video


Kerry Social Farming

In 2019 we documented the work of Kerry Social Farming project, where SKDP acts as lead partner.  Across Kerry, there are over 30 people with intellectual disabilities or acquired brain injuries working on 18 farms.  It not only helps the farmers who may be otherwise working alone but provides a social outlet to groups who often experience isolation.

We released a short documentary video on our Facebook channel where it proved very popular, reaching nearly 5000 people and garnering 500 reactions.


In late 2018 the South Kerry Development Partnership initiated the setting up of support groups for Lone Parents. Following the success of the Cahersiveen group, further groups were subsequently established in Kenmare and Killorglin.

Our SICAP officer Mary Gallagher, was instrumental in the establishment of these groups and  in line with the principles of Community Development provides  a people centred programme and supports for people parenting alone in South Kerry.

This case study documented the importance of these groups and the impact of SICAP programme on people’s lives.

Watch our video to hear compelling real life stories, highlighting the benefits of these supports.

Managing Adolescent Stress

In 2018, we did a Case Study on ‘Managing Adolescent Stress’ which can be viewed in this report.

Case Study FINAL 2018